
Saturday Morning Talkies – July 21, 2007

Manhattan steam explosion: the neo-conservative legacy. Plus, a delay in voting reform: good news or bad? With host Kris Welch, nine to ten a.m. Guests: Rick Perlstein, sr. fellow , Campaign for America’s Future Justin Levitt, assoc. counsel, Democracy Program, Brennan Center for Justice, NYU School of Law


Saturday Morning Talkies – July 14, 2007

Activists are pressuring Congress is to keep the purse closed, bring the troops home and end the war. We get the details. PLUS: his first court martial ended in a mistrial. Lt. Ehren Watada began facing a second court martial last week. With host Kris Welch. Guests: Leslie Cagan, United for Peace and Justice Betty … Continued


Saturday Morning Talkies – June 30, 2007

The Supreme Court rules against integration. Now what? PLUS: The Progressive Politics of the Millennial Generation: a new report about the newest voters. Guests: Ruy Teixeira, fellow New Politics Institute, co-author Progressive Politics of the Millennial Generation report Rinku Sen, exec. dir. Applied Research Center, publisher Color Lines magazine


Saturday Morning Talkies – June 23, 2007

What’s behind the alleged plot to overthrow the government of Laos? We talk with a scholar of U.S. counter-insurgency. With host Kris Welch, nine to ten a.m. Guests: Adam Schesch, PhD, history of S.E. Asia, specialty in 3rd World guerilla movements and U.S. counter-insurgency Dan Hodges, chr. Health Care for All, Calif. re: SB840 (Sheila … Continued


Saturday Morning Talkies – June 9, 2007

Global warming, nukes, elections 2004-2008 – it’s all on the table with Harvey Wasserman. PLUS: the fight between Democrats in Congress that could scuttle California environmental laws. With host Kris Welch. Guests: Harvey Wasserman, co-founder of NoNukes movement (25th anniv. of massive anti-nuke march in NYC); journalist (The Free Press, Ohio); author (How the GOP … Continued


Saturday Morning Talkies – May 26, 2007

The Democrats folded – but this isn’t poker. Robert Borosage takes us through this week of wheeling and dealing, of life and death. PLUS: The Radical Performance Fest. And your phone calls! With host Kris Welch. Guests: Robert Borosage, pres. Institute for America’s Future, co-dir. Campaign for America’s Future; past dir. Institute for Policy Studies … Continued

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