
Saturday Morning Talkies – January 26, 2008

Barbara Ehrenreich on the economy and stimulation.  PLUS: the latest on Mumia and Lynne Stewart.  With host Kris Welch, nine to ten a.m. Guests: Barbara Ehrenreich, author of 13 books (Nickel and Dimed, Bait and Switch; Dancing in the Streets); contrib. Harper’s, the Nation; former columnist NYTimes, Time Lynne Stewart, radical human rights attorney; currently … Continued


Saturday Morning Talkies – January 19, 2008

The missing White House emails problem grows and grows: "Get ready to testify" Rep. Henry Waxman tells the White House.  Election 2008, from Nevada.  With host Kris Welch Guests: Leigh Ann Caldwell, Free Speech Radio News, in Nevada Anne Weismann, chief counsel, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), filed suit for White House … Continued


Saturday Morning Talkies – January 12, 2008

New Orleans housing activists rally to stop the demolitions.  PLUS: Iraq reality check, to get war back in the electoral mix.  With host Kris Welch, nine to ten a.m. Guests: Sakura Kone, Common Ground, New OrleansEric Leaver, policy outreach dir. Foreign Policy in Focus; research fellow, Institute for Policy Studies

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