What’s in the news, what’s behind what’s in the news, what’s not in the news that should be in the news—and who’s doing what about it, here and now. Celebration and support from our vibrant, diverse community. Hosted by Kris Welch.
Saturday Morning Talkies – May 3, 2008
With Host Kris Welch.
Saturday Morning Talkies – April 5, 2008
Hillary or Obama: who wants who to win, and why? Salim Muwakkil of In These Times shares his perspective – and then you tell me: what do you think? Plus, Starhawk and permaculture, deported from Israel. With host Kris Welch. Guests: Salim Muwakkil, Sr. Editor, In These Times; op-ed columnist Chicago Trib.Starhawk, author and activist
Saturday Morning Talkies – March 22, 2008
A response to Obama. Iran in the crosshairs. What the Revolution could look like. Guests: Rinku Sen, pres./exec.dir. Applied Research Center; publisher ColorLines Magazine.Phyllis Bennis, sr. analyst, Institute for Policy Studies; author (Before and After: U.S. Foreign Policy and the September 11th Crisis; Calling the Shots: How Washington Dominates Today’s UN).Larry Everest, author (Oil, Power … Continued