
Saturday Morning Talkies – April 5, 2008

Hillary or Obama: who wants who to win, and why? Salim Muwakkil of In These Times shares his perspective – and then you tell me: what do you think? Plus, Starhawk and permaculture, deported from Israel. With host Kris Welch. Guests: Salim Muwakkil, Sr. Editor, In These Times; op-ed columnist Chicago Trib.Starhawk, author and activist


Saturday Morning Talkies – March 22, 2008

A response to Obama. Iran in the crosshairs. What the Revolution could look like.  Guests: Rinku Sen, pres./exec.dir. Applied Research Center; publisher ColorLines Magazine.Phyllis Bennis,  sr. analyst, Institute for Policy Studies; author (Before and After: U.S. Foreign Policy and the September 11th Crisis; Calling the Shots: How Washington Dominates Today’s UN).Larry Everest, author (Oil, Power … Continued