Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – October 8, 2006

In our first hour… What’s being done in the Bay Area to combat climate change? What can you do as an individual? Springing from Al Gore’s arguments in his book and the film, "An Inconvenient Truth," we’ll talk about actions to slow down global warming, with special focus on the Bay Area. Our guests: Melissa … Continued

Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – October 1, 2006

In our first hour… There’s just one month left before the general election. Recent elections have seen trouble with electronic voting machines, hanging chads, and possible fraud — will your vote count? Our guests: Mark Crispin Miller (, author of "Fooled Again: How the Right Stole the 2004 Elections and Why They’ll Steal This One, … Continued

Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – September 24, 2006

NOTE: Because of the unavailability of some invited guests this weekend, due in part to the Rosh Hashanah and Ramadan holidays, the special program on "9/11: Myths, Conspiracies, and Truths" has been postponed." To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the murder of Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier and American Ronni Karpen Moffitt, by agents of Chilean … Continued

Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – September 17, 2006

This week on Sunday Salon… A look at pressing National and State issues. In our first hour: According to a report by the Public Policy Institute of California, "Since 1990, the number of prisoners in California has risen three times faster than the state’s overall adult population, to almost 168,000 prisoners in 2005." In this … Continued

Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – September 10, 2006

A look at the 9/11 anniversary: In the First hour: Larry Bensky will co-host with Gail Sheehy author of Middletown, America: One Town’s Passage From Trauma to Hope. During this hour both will speak with Lieutenant Keegan of the Port Authority on environmental health hazards at the World Trade Center site. And, in our second … Continued

Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – September 3, 2006

A two hour Labor Day special… In our first hour… The San Francisco Hotel Workers fight. Discussion with people organizing on the ground. In our second hour… A look at Day Laborers in the Bay Area, and around the country.

Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – August 27, 2006

A two-hour special to mark the 1 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina In our first hour… Contributors to the new book, "After the Storm: Black Intellectuals Explore the Meaning of Hurricane Katrina" (The New Press). Confirmed: John Valery White, Professor of Law at Louisiana State University. Invited: Cheryl I. Harris, professor of law at UCLA … Continued

Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – August 20, 2006

This week on Sunday Salon, hosted by Matt Gonzalez… In our first hour… Immigration and the California Governor’s race…. With Nativo Lopez, President of the Mexican American Political Association, and others. In our second hour… California’s spiritual landscape is as diverse as its topography, its ecosystems, its population. A conversation with author Erik Davis and … Continued

Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – August 13, 2006

In our first hour… The Middle East Crisis: History, Context, and Prospects for Resolution. Analysis with author and journalist Chris Hedges; University of Chicago Professor of Modern Jewish History Bernard Wasserstein (Israelis and Palestinians: Why Do They Fight? Can They Stop? Yale U.P., 2003); and Rashid Kalidi, the Edward Said Professor of Middle Arab Studies/Director … Continued

Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – August 6, 2006

In our first hour: The Battle of the Ballot: Iraq and Elections 2006. We’ll take a look at how Iraq policy plays into three Congressional primaries: Lamont/Lieberman in Connecticut, McKinney/Johnson in Georgia, and Clinton/Tasini in New York. Confirmed Guests: Jonathan Tasini, NY Democrat running against Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton Paul Bell, covering the Ned Lamont … Continued