Special Broadcast

KPFA Special Broadcast – May 1, 2005

On Sunday May 1st, KPFA’s Labor Collective will commemorate this International Workers Day with 4 hours of labor programming from 7:00 to 11:00 pm. From the struggle against Wal-Martization in America to the life and death struggle of Colombian trade unionists. We will go from our local battles to the global struggles. We will also … Continued

Special Broadcast

KPFA Special Broadcast – April 25, 2005

Armenia:The 20th Century’s First Genocide Araxie Barsmain, a survivor, shares her story with Students from the University of Colorado about the20th century’s first genocide. In 1915 the Armenian people were targeted by the Turks for extermination, who proceeded to kill thousands and forced the rest to flee their homeland in Turkey.

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