Special Broadcast

KPFA Special Broadcast – December 22, 2007

Told and retold – WE EXPLORE THE ART OF STORY TELLING. Master story teller Gioia Timpanelli celebrates one of our oldest forms, and most vital, of expression.This hour-long holiday special draws on traditional and contemporary story and memoir to explain and express all the cycles of existence, our relationship to nature and each other, and … Continued

Special Broadcast

Youth Radio – December 15, 2007

We bring you highlights of the event, "The Terror Dream" with Susan Faludi and Lakshmi Chaudhry moderated by KPFA’s Nora Barrows-Friedman which took place earlier this year in October.Lakshmi Chaudhry has been a reporter and an editor for independent publications for more than six years, and is a senior editor at In These Times, where … Continued