Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – October 3, 2004

A discussion on the use of law suits by the disability community to secure its rights. Disability activists have taken legal action to make the Restaurant chain Taco Bell accessible to people with physical disabilities. But at the same time, there is a national boycott of Taco Bell because of its labor policies. So why … Continued

Pushing Limits

Making Contact – September 26, 2004

A New York Welcome – Protesters Respond to the Republican Agenda President George W. Bush’s 2004 presidential nominee acceptance speech touted national security as the nation’s priority. But outside the convention center at New York’s Madison Square Garden, hundreds of thousands protested the Republican agenda. On this edition, correspondent Pauline Bartolone takes us on an … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – September 19, 2004

Pushing Limits goes back to school with parents, advocates and local events focusing on disabled youth! Guest: Sonia Jackson of Harambee and Family Resource Network talks about the 5th annual Village Gathering, we will talk to attendees of the recent Learning Disability Conference and information about Bay Area Youth Agency who has started recruiting disabled … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – September 5, 2004

This week Pushing Limits features Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) of Hayward. CRIL is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Danny Kodmur, CRIL’s Systems Change Coordinator will talk about CRIL and its services. This weeks’s hosts are Eddie Ytuarte and Peggy Hecker.

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – August 29, 2004

Dr. Elaine King Miller is running for Senate in President Bush’s home district in Texas. Dr. King Miller is an African American woman who is blind and a long time advocate & author & professional in the educational arena. In this edition of Pushing Limits, she talks about her campaign and her platform. Music by … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – August 22, 2004

Dale Campbell and his wife and seeing eye dog were thrown out of a restaurant for bringing the dog in. Guests Dale Campbell, a blind person, his sited wife Candace, and his seeing eye dog Kelsey, and Wendy Wilkerson, and ADA Attorney with the Texas Institute of Rehabilitation and Research. Also, U.S. Congressman Nick Lamson … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – August 1, 2004

Issues around electronic voting – the disability community’s preference for it, the legal issues, and the progressive community’s reluctance and concerns. We will interview guests Sylvia Yee who is an attorney at the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) and Anne Finger who is a local author and activist.

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – July 18, 2004

Tonight Pushing Limits explores Respironic’s decision to no longer service and provide parts for the iron lungs used by the 40 or so polio survivors in the U.S. The show will feature a panel of iron lung users and a Respironics representative to speak on the subject.