Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – June 15, 2007

Voting machines. Hosts Adrienne Lauby and Ruthanne Shpiner address voting machines and discuss how the fundamental right for all citizens to vote privately and independently applies to people with disabilities. Can these rights be realized by the machines currently in use and have elections be secure? Adrienne Lauby and Ruthanne Shpiner provide background plus interview … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – June 1, 2007

Superfest Pushing Limits host Doyle Saylor interviews Peni Hall. Peni Hall is the president of Culture Disability Talent, the group that produces Superfest. Superfest is the longest running international disability film festival in the world. Superfest takes place yearly in Berkeley, and is two days of top notch international disability films. Doyle Saylor speaks with … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – May 4, 2007

Corbett O’Toole interview Friday May 4, 2007, in celebration of the 30 year anniversary of the section 504 demonstrations Pushing Limits hosts Adrienne Lauby and Leah Gardner interview local legend, Corbett Joan O’Toole. O’Toole is a writer and filmmaker with 30 years of stories from a life of disability activism. She talks about international issues, … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – April 20, 2007

Tanyalee Davis What are you staring at? Pushing Limits hosts Leah Gardner and Amber Dipietra interview comedian Tanyalee Davis. Ms. Davis is a three foot, six inch comedian who has appeared at clubs and universities worldwide. Ms. Davis shares her no holds barred, irreverent thoughts and views. Pushing Limits will air CD clips of her … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – April 6, 2007

Housing Friday April 6, 2007 at 2:30 PM Pushing Limits discusses housing issues for people with disabilities. Hosts Eddie Ytuarte and Leah Gardner interview attorney Laura Lane. Laura Lane is director of Housing Practice at the East Bay Community Law Center. People with disabilities who are tenants encounter multiple problems with their housing. Ms. Lane … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – March 30, 2007

Epilepsy Pushing Limits addresses the invisible disability of epilepsy. Host Doyle Saylor interviews Michelle Frank. Ms. Frank has lived with epilepsy since birth. She speaks about the realities of living with epilepsy and the challenges it poses to her as a person living with the disease but also how epilepsy impacts her life as a … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – March 16, 2007

Pushing Limits examines the developmental disability of Autism. Hosted by Doyle Saylor, the show explores Autism from both the perspectives of a person with Autism and the perspective of his family. Doyle Saylor presents a story written and read by Meg Tuttle about life with her autistic child, Chas. Doyle Saylor also interviews Jim Divine … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – March 2, 2007

Mental Health System Part 2 Pushing Limits completes a two-part series on emotional health and mental illness. Pushing Limits presents testimonials from the community, and we want to speak with you. What are your experiences with the mental health system. Positive, negative or somewhere in between? Also, join us for an update on the Ziprexa … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – February 16, 2007

Pushing Limits airs the first of a two part series on the mental health care system. Co hosts Leah Gardner and Eddie Ytuarte interview David Oaks, director of Mind Freedom, a national organization dedicated to ending psychiatric abuse and to promoting humane alternatives in mental health care. Mr. Oaks talks about Mind Freedom’s legal battle … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – January 19, 2007

Face Disabilities A Rebroadcast of a show from Jan 4, 2004. Pushing limits host Doyle Saylor speaks with David Roche and Bill Choisser about their lives with two very different face disabilities. Doyle Saylor explores the commonalities and differences between "face blindness" and facial disfigurement.