Pushing Limits
2:30 PM Pacific Time on Friday
A half-hour radio show providing critical coverage of disability issues and bringing insight into the grassroots disability movement to the general public.
Education Today – September 21, 2007
Once Robert Torres ran down the street as the monsters in his mind tried to kill him. Now he lives without psych drugs, holds down a job and has a productive life. He speaks freely to host Adrienne Lauby about his nightmare journey through the adolescent mental system, multiple diagnosis’ and therapists who didn’t care. … Continued
Pushing Limits – August 31, 2007
What’s all that barking? Leah Gardner and Eddie Ytuarte discuss service animals and the role these furry friends play in our lives. Pushing limits is joined by Tony Compton, a visually impaired guide dog user. He discusses training for his dog Werner and shares his experiences working and bonding with him. We also hear from … Continued
Pushing Limits – August 17, 2007
Pushing Limits presents a program on the pathology and politics of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), hosted by Jackie Barshak. Guests will be: Dr. Grace Ziem, who treats people with MCS – www.chemicalinjury.net. Albert Donnay, cofounder of MCS Resource and Referral www.mcsrr.org. Cindi Norwitz – living with MCS and founder of online support group for people … Continued
Pushing Limits – July 20, 2007
Pushing Limits hosts Eddie Ytuarte and Leah Gardner interview Gerlinde Busch. Gerlinde Busch was one of the founders of Pushing Limits and was very involved in activism at KPFA before she returned to Germany in 2004. Gerlinde compares life in the United States and Germany for people with disabilities. She has lived and worked at … Continued
Pushing Limits – July 6, 2007
Interview with Gerlinde Busch Eddie Y’Tuarte and Leah Gardner interview Gerlinde Busch. Gerlinde Busch was one of the founders of pushing limits and was very involved in activism at KPFA before she returned to Germany in 2004. Gerlinde compares life in the United States and Germany for people with disabilities. She has lived and worked … Continued
Pushing Limits – June 29, 2007
Accessible outdoorsPushing Limits talks with bay area nature mavens, Bonnie Lewkowicz and Ann Sieck. Bonnie Lewkowicz, dancer, wheelchair user, and access specialist, is the author of the book, "A Wheelchair Rider’s Guide: San Francisco Bay and the Nearby Coast," Ann Sieck is an enthusiastic outdoors woman with a passion to explore and share semi-accessible trails, … Continued
Pushing Limits – June 15, 2007
Voting machines. Hosts Adrienne Lauby and Ruthanne Shpiner address voting machines and discuss how the fundamental right for all citizens to vote privately and independently applies to people with disabilities. Can these rights be realized by the machines currently in use and have elections be secure? Adrienne Lauby and Ruthanne Shpiner provide background plus interview … Continued