Pushing Limits
2:30 PM Pacific Time: Fridays
A half-hour radio show providing critical coverage of disability issues and bringing insight into the grassroots disability movement to the general public.
Pushing Limits – September 5, 2008
Tanyalee Davis What are you staring at? Pushing Limits hosts Leah Gardner and Amber Dipietra interview comedian Tanyalee Davis. Ms. Davis is a three foot, six inch comedian who has appeared at clubs and universities worldwide. Ms. Davis shares her no holds barred, irreverent thoughts and views. Pushing Limits airs CD clips of her performances … Continued
Pushing Limits – August 29, 2008
Paula Gunn Allen Pushing Llimits host Adrienne Lauby interviews Native American iconoclastic academic Paula Gunn Allen, a feminist Wikipedia calls "hugely influential." Paula Gunn Allen died this spring. One of her last interviews was with Adrienne Lauby. Gunn Allen speaks about her life long disability, modern social movements, assisted suicide and other pressing, controversial topics. … Continued
Pushing Limits – August 15, 2008
"Limits and Barriers."What happens when you face an unwelcome surprise? When a physical or mental barrior has no easy solution? For those of us who live with disability, barriers seem to show up on a daily basis. Join hosts Leah Gardner and Ruthanne Shpiner as pushing limits takes your calls with tales of obstructions, solutions … Continued
Pushing Limits – August 1, 2008
Autism rights/ Aspies for FreedomPushing Limits delves into the Autism rights movement. Pushing Limits producer Doyle Saylor, Hosts Eddie Y’tuarte and John Healy interview Earth Monkey (Melody Kohut), a vocal member of the Aspies for Freedom or AFF, a grassroots autism rights movement. www.aspiesforfreedom.com Autism has been in the forefront of local news lately stemming … Continued
Pushing Limits – July 18, 2008
Mutliple Chemical Sensitvity Host Jackie Barshak addresses Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) with guests Dr. Grace Zinn and Cindy Norwitz. In this difficult time of forest fires and increased air pollution,Pushing Limits presents a rebroadcast of our program on the pathology and politics of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). MCS causes chronic abnormalities in multiple organs within … Continued