Pushing Limits

Stories of Independence – Call In

Fireworks. Parties. Ceremonies. A day off work for many. These are the various shades of Independence Day. Friday June 29th on Pushing Limits, hosts Leah Gardner and Jacob Lesner-Buxton ask our listeners and other program contributors to share their stories of independence. While we celebrate freedom, we also discuss those things that may threaten our … Continued

Pushing Limits

Teaching Queer and Disability History

Beginning this January, a groundbreaking law requires the teaching of disability history — and the history of lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals and transgendered people — to be integrated into social studies class work.  It’s called the FAIR Education Act. We talk to two women who work with school boards and others to make the requirements of … Continued

Pushing Limits

“Helen Keller In Love”

Rosie Sultan talks about her recently released book, “Helen Keller in Love.” Although this relationship has been written about in biographies and in Keller’s memoirs, this novel focuses entirely on the relationship in 1916, just as the U.S. is ready to enter World War One. Sultan writes in the afterword that all the events in … Continued

Pushing Limits

Living on the Edge of Death (Part Two) and A Tribute to Adrienne Rich

Shanti Soule and Stephanie Sugars continue last week’s conversation about their choices during the terminal stage of their illnesses. Robert McRuer talks about how Adrienne Rich and other lesbian feminists gave is a more free, more accessible world. Although she did not find a political identity in her disability, Rich’s essay “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian … Continued

Pushing Limits

Living on the Edge of Death (Part One)

Living on the Edge of Death: A Conversation Between Shanti Soule and Stephanie Sugars. Part One. Two women with only a short time to live talk about the threshold of death, their interaction with the medical industry, the choices they’ve made in the past, their choices today, and much more. We listen in on the … Continued

Pushing Limits

Tenant Rights, Workers Bill of Rights

Brendan Darrow talks about legal rights for people with disabilities who are renting homes that are being foreclosed. We will also discuss different local and state laws, along with the Americans With Disabilities Act, and how they affect tenants in rental situations. Brendan Darrow is an Equal Justice Works Fellow at the East Bay Community … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – March 2, 2012

Going for gold. This is Kamilla Ryding’s quest. As a member of 2008’s Danish goal ball team at the Paralympics in Beijing, her goalball team feel just shy of this goal. She and Team Denmark are back on the court at the Paralympic Games in London this August. We’ll talk to Kamilla about what goalball … Continued