Mark Crispin Miller of NYU discusses some of the recent additions to his Forbidden Bookshelf series, which seeks out important out-of-print political works and republishes them as e-books; Miller explains the insidious ways the books were first “disappeared.” Next, Peter Hart with the National Coalition Against Censorship speaks about this year’s Banned Books Week, and … Continued

Project Censored

Project Censored – October 2, 2015

The News That Didn’t Make the News. Each week, co-hosts Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips conduct in depth interviews with their guests and offer hard hitting commentary on the key political, social, and economic issues of the day with an emphasis on critical media literacy.

Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips spend the hour in conversation with author Peter Dale Scott. Scott explains the concepts of “deep politics” and “deep events,” which underlie much of his work; he also discusses his most recent publication, the e-book “Dallas ’63,” about the JFK assassination. Click Here to Donate to KPFA Today

“Censored 2016,” Project Censored’s annual book of censored stories and media analysis, is just off the presses. On this week’s program, Peter and Nolan speak with Andy Lee Roth, co-editor of the new volume, about some of the stories in “Censored 2016.” Then Peter and Nolan discuss the new Global Critical Media Literacy Project. The … Continued

Project Censored

Project Censored – September 11, 2015

this episode is no longer available

9/11 and the Rise of Neoconservative Foreign Policy. For this 14th anniversary 9/11 special program, co-hosts Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips speak with Media Roots journalist and filmmaker Robbie Martin about his new film “A Very Heavy Agenda.” The film looks in depth at the Kagan family and the rise of neoconservative foreign policy prior … Continued

Authors Mark Pilisuk and Jennifer Rountree discuss their new book, “The Hidden Structure of Violence: Who Benefits From Global Violence and War.” They contend that organized violence is not an inescapable part of human existence, but is organized and carried out by the dominant social order to enhance its own power. In the second half … Continued

Project Censored

Project Censored – August 21, 2015

In a remarkable case study of censorship, author and political cartoonist Ted Rall recounts how he was dropped from the Los Angeles Times, purportedly for giving an untrue account of a 2001 encounter with an LAPD officer, who cited Rall for jaywalking. As he refutes the ‘evidence’ behind his dismissal, Rall also points out links between … Continued

This week’s program offers two perspectives on global capitalism and permanent war. Sociologist William Robinson makes the case that the present state of capitalism may be a “systemic crisis,” something not seen in centuries. Then peace advocate Kathy Kelly relates her experiences from Afghanistan to US prisons, and refutes the notion of”humanitarian war.” William Robinson … Continued

Project Censored

Project Censored – August 7, 2015

On the Project Censored show Peter Phillips with California Green Party activist Laura Wells as co-host interview professor Peter Mathews regarding his book “Dollar Democracy: with Liberty and Justice for Some,” regarding key issues including the decline of the middle class, inequality in  education, health care, the collapse of the environment, and what needs to … Continued

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