Music Department Showcase

Over the Edge – “Money Music”

this episode is no longer available

Joining me are Trademark G. of The Evolution Control Committee, Otis Fodder of The Bran Flakes, Phineas Narco of The National Cynical Network, and Wobbly for a live mix of improvised Money Music. Mostly, it’s a continuous and unending mega-mix of noise, just like money, all about money. 3 Hours.

Music Department Showcase

Over the Edge – “All Art Radio”

this episode is no longer available

Somebody British introduces us to art throughout while we proceed through some art pop music of the 60s, not neglecting the social, cultural, and political revolutions that characterized those creative years, while an anti-modernist critic pooh poohs abstraction as having no soul. Another UFO makes a surprise appearance with painter Bud Hopkins describing his own … Continued