Making Contact

Making Contact – May 28, 2007

Last Rights: Respecting Diversity at the End of Life (encore edition) "We act as if there is one definition of good end of life care. And I would argue there is no one definition. In the end, it’s going to be many definitions." In the American health care system, "good end-of-life care" often supports the … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – May 4, 2007

People who’ve risked their lives to enter the U.S. undocumented share their personal stories of why they came, and what they hope for their futures and the future of immigrants in this country. Immigration reform is the hot button issue in the U.S. Talk to your colleagues, friends or family, about it, and you¹re certain … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – April 6, 2007

The Color of Wealth Income generation is one indicator of power differences between racial groups in the United States. But accumulated wealth, not income alone may be the most revealing index of inequality. So why the disparities? Author and organizer Meizhu Lui has some answers. Income generation is one indicator of power differences between racial … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – March 30, 2007

Many Lines of Fire: Women at War This week on Making Contact: The women serving and dying for the U.S. in Iraq – what are their experiences and points of view? Sarah Olson speaks with veterans about military power politics and the price paid by women seeking to serve their country. Many Americans assume that … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – March 23, 2007

Catch of the Day: Mercury What’s the Catch of the Day? Mercury. It’s poisoning our waters, our fish, our bodies and it isn’t going away any time soon. Each year tons of mercury gets into our streams, bays and oceans. How does it get there, what does it do to us and how can we … Continued