Making Contact

Making Contact – April 6, 2007

The Color of Wealth

Income generation is one indicator of power differences between racial
groups in the United States. But accumulated wealth, not income alone may be
the most revealing index of inequality. So why the disparities? Author and
organizer Meizhu Lui has some answers.

Income generation is one indicator of power differences between racial
groups in the United States. For instance, in 1968 African Americans made 55
cents for every dollar a white person made. In 2004, it was 58 cents. But
accumulated wealth, not income alone, may be the most revealing index of

So why the disparities? Author and organizer Meizhu Lui has some answers.
Lui is from a family of Chinese immigrants. She was a kitchen worker for 20
years, and she rose through the labor ranks to become president of her local
union. Now she’s executive director of United for a Fair Economy, a
non-partisan group that raises awareness about the damaging consequences of
concentrated wealth and power in the United States.

Lui recently co-authored the book ‘The Color of Wealth: The Story Behind the
U.S. Racial Wealth Divide’ and spoke in San Francisco at Cody’s Books in
June 2006. National Radio Project held a small joint-fundraiser reception
with Meizhu Lui when she was in San Francisco on her book tour.

Senior Producer/Host: Tena Rubio.

Intern and technical assistant: Alexis McCrimmon

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