Making Contact

Making Contact – April 25, 2008

UC Berkeley graduate students, Abigail Curtis and Angélica Marín, take us to the streets of Richmond, California. We meet Jairo, a 17-year old boy who dreams of playing professional soccer. Those plans are put on hold when his parents are deported.

Making Contact

Making Contact – April 4, 2008

Health care in prisons and jails across the U.S. is in a state of crisis and California prisons are no exception.  State officials claim medical services in California’s prisons meet normal community health care standards.  But prisoner rights activists, lawyers, health care workers and the prisoners themselves have a different story to tell. The life … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – March 28, 2008

This is the first of a three-part series, "A Crisis of Care," a look inside California’s prison health care system. In this first show, "Gina’s Story," we’ll hear how a state-sanctioned life sentence became a state-sponsored death sentence as told by loved ones left behind.

Making Contact

Making Contact – March 21, 2008

Blood, Freedom and Oil:  5 Years in Iraq March 19th 2008, marks the 5th anniversary of the day the US officially invaded Iraq. Its the defining event of our time. We hear from people on many sides of the conflict; Iraqis who’ve lost family members, an oil expert, and Americans who want to "stay the … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – February 29, 2008

UC Berkeley graduate student, Alejandro Reyes, takes us to East Los Angeles, where a number of Chicano artists inspired by the Zapatistas have been using music to raise awareness in their own communities and to struggle for a better world. Featuring:  Luv the Messenger, Rapper and youth activist; Marisol, Performance artist and activist, member of … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – February 1, 2008

From Brooklyn to Bethlehem: Separate Histories, Common StrugglesIn this program we’ll explore the power of solidarity from the perspectives of young people in Brooklyn, New York, a member of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, and a historian and mother who lives in Palestine. Featuring: Sheena Johnson, member of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement-Oakland, CA. Sonia … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – January 25, 2008

Native Hawaiian and Making Contact intern Samson Reiny reports on what happens when the military takes over historically sacred land and on how people are fighting back to reclaim this once pristine area. Featuring:  Momi Kamahele, Makua Makahiki cultural advisor David Henkin, Earth Justice attorney Kyle Kajihiro, Makua Makahiki member Fred Dodge, Malama Makua spokesman … Continued