Letters to Washington
Letters to Washington – June 18, 2010
-Cecilia Wang of the ACLU on the Obama administration's move to sue to stop Arizona's SB 1070. -Craig Holman of Public Citizen on the fate of the Disclose Act. -Erich Pica, Pres of Friends of the Earth, on the campaign to get lawmakers to return BP campaign finance contribution. -Craig Aaron of Free Press on … Continued
Letters to Washington – June 15, 2010
-Highlights from the House Energy Subcommittee hearing featuring the CEO's of the worlds largest private oil companies. -Diane Wilson, a Texas fisherwoman and environmental campaigner, Wilson is author of the book "An Unreasonable Woman: A True Story of Shrimpers, Politicos, Polluters, and the Fight for Seadrift, Texas." -Lisa Margonelli, Director of the Energy Policy Initiative … Continued
Letters to Washington – June 14, 2010
-Daniel Ellsberg on the Pentagon manhunt for Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks. -Jessely Radak, of the Government Accountability Project Jessely Radak -David Catanese of Politico on Alvin Greene's unexpected win of the Democratic nomination for Senate in South Carolina. -Patrick Bond on protests and the World Cup in South Africa.
Letters to Washington – June 11, 2010
The House Senate conference committee on the financial regulatory reform bill is underway, and in an unusual move such a process to hammer out a final bill is open to the public. We'll hear excerpts of the meeting and we'll be joined by Heather Booth of Americans for Financial Reform and find out what she … Continued
Letters to Washington – June 10, 2010
Dem Rep Brad Sherman calls on Attorney General Eric Holder to prosecute US activists on the Gaza Flotilla. We hear from Sherman and flotilla activists. Ryan Grim, Capitol Hill correspondent for the Huffington Post, talks about the Senate debate over restricting the EPA from regulating green house gasses.
Letters to Washington – June 9, 2010
Election results are in from Super Primary Tuesday. Centrist Democratic Senate incumbent Blanch Lincoln holds off her primary challenger Bill Halter, Harry Reid will face off against a tea party favorite in November, and the progressive hopeful Marcy Winograd lost to Jane Harman. We'll have full analysis of yesterday's result with Bob Benenson of Congressional … Continued