Letters and Politics
10:00 AM Pacific Time: Monday - Thursday
Letters & Politics seeks to explore the history behind today’s major global and national news stories. Hosted by Mitch Jeserich.
Letters and Politics – January 30, 2012
Full coverage of Occupy Oakland Move In Day. Pamela Drake on why she is breaking up with Occupy Oakland. David Graeber and Andrej Grubacic in conversation.
Letters and Politics – January 26, 2012
Details of the Obama administration’s proposal to reduce spending on the military with Rebecca Griffin of Peace Action West. Historian John Lewis Gaddis on the life and times of the original cold warrior George Kennan.
Letters and Politics – January 25, 2012
Thomas Frank, author of Pity the Billionaire. Aileen Alfandary from Cairo.
Letters and Politics – January 24, 2012
After SOPA fight, did companies like Google & Wikipedia demonstrate unprecedented political power? We’ll talk about it with Tim Wu, author of The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires. David Packman on State of the Union Address & GOP Primaries. Aileen Alfandary from Cairo.
Letters and Politics – January 23, 2012
Diane Ravitch, former Education Assistant Secretary for the George HW Bush administration, on the privatization of K-12 education.
Letters and Politics – January 20, 2012
Occupy the SF Financial Dist on Letters & Politics Friday Jan 20 2012. Hosted by Mitch Jeserich.