Letters and Politics
10:00 AM Pacific Time: Monday - Thursday
Letters & Politics seeks to explore the history behind today’s major global and national news stories. Hosted by Mitch Jeserich.
Letters and Politics – April 24, 2012
Live report from protest at Wells Fargo shareholders meeting. Legal analysis of Supreme Court hearing on SB 1070.
Letters and Politics – April 23, 2012
This week on Capitol Hill with Alice Ollstein of Free Speech Radio News. David Solnit on Wells Fargo Shareholders meeting. A report on Occupy the Farm in Albany. Ken Jennings on artificial intelligence.
Letters and Politics – April 19, 2012
With this week marking the 2nd anniversary of the BP oil spill off the Gulf Coast, we’ll be in conversation with Abrahm Lustgarten, he covers energy issues for Pro Publica and he is author of the book Run to Failure: BP and the Making of the Deep Water Horizon Disaster. Ira Shapiro on the Senate … Continued
Letters and Politics – April 17, 2012
Simon Johnson, professor of economics at MIT, former Chief Economist the IMF and author of the book White House Burning. Tom Mueller on the olive oil industry.
Letters and Politics – April 16, 2012
Jeffrey Clements on the history of campaign finance reform.
Letters and Politics – April 13, 2012
Analysis of the Summit of the Americas with Miguel Tinker Salas professor of Latin American history at Pomona College. As Iranian and US diplomats begin a new round of conversations this weekend, we’ll be in conversation with Trita Parsi who has written a book about the behind the scenes maneuvering between the two countries over … Continued
Letters and Politics – Special on Immigration
Kathy Tactaquin,Executive Director of the National Network for Immigrants and Refugee Rights. Angela Chan, Staff Attorney, Criminal Justice Reform Program. Jonathan Martinez, one of 5 students walking across the country for the DREAM Act. Justin Cox, attorney with ACLU working on challenges to Alabama’s controversial immigration law.