Tonight’s program features: the voice of Latino youth with their ideas and poetry; a discussion with noted grammy-­nominee musician/educator, Jose Luis Orozco about his new bilingual children’s album and samples of his music, the songs of the Peruvian Indie duo Alejandro y Maria Laura; an introductory conversation with the newest member of the La Raza … Continued

Tonight’s program features: an interview on the Salvadoran Literacy campaign that reveals the state of affairs in the country; a discussion with Paul Flores about his play, “Placas, The Most Dangerous Tatoo;” a tribute to poet activists Mamacoatl and Francisco X. Alarcon; and musica and a calendar of upcoming events.

Tonight’s program features everybody’s favorites­ food, music and a calendar of exciting, meaningful upcoming events! Julieta Kusnir explores Decolonize Your Diet with authors Luz Calvo and Catriona Rueda Esquibel who are life partners; when Luz was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006, they both radically changed their diets and began seeking out recipes featuring healthy, … Continued

Tonight’s program is our new year’s gift to you: a concert of our favorite music of the year! It’s a blend of the best. Julieta Kusnir, Vanessa Bohm, Nina Serrano, and Brenda lIlescas each selected their top choices. Enjoy! Please receive our best wishes, Dear Listeners, for the new year!

Tonight’s program is a tribute to the late and dearly beloved poet, musician ­composer, spiritual leader, healer, feminist, internationalist and activist, Mamacoatl, Silvia Parra. We include her original poems and songs recorded at KPFA, and her historic conversation on the divine feminine with poet laureate Mary Rudge and Nina Serrano in 2010. We also offer an original elegy … Continued

Tonight’s program focuses on the inspiring Chicana writer, Sandra Cisneros who brought bus loads of teenagers to their feet, applauding wildly at her KPFA sponsored talk. The dynamic radio producer, Vylma V., who produced the La Raza Chronicle’s News from the Americas, “Noticias Sin Fronteras” hosted this memorable event. We will play excerpts from Sandra … Continued

On this week’s program we include a report from an advocate directly from the Adelante Immigrant Detention Center on the current hunger strikes. We feature interviews and music from this year’s Encuentro del Canto Popular; Soltron y La Mecanica Popular and the music of John Santos. We also share with you holiday mariachi music and … Continued