Tonight we focus on a local victory here in the Bay and the far reaching result of an arising new dialogue among community members and the health care professionals to refine and reframe public health and policy, calling out the role of racism. We feature a discussion on this between Dr. Rupa Mayra and Julieta Kusnir. Also featured is … Continued

In tonight’s program we focus on the island of Puerto Rico. We’ll hear democratic congressman Luis Guttierez’s response to the proposed Republican­led Congress’s colonial solutions to the island’s economic crisis. We’ll also hear an interview with Nelson Dennis, the author of The War Against All Puerto Ricans, a book which chronicles the Puerto Rican nationalist … Continued

Tonight we feature an interview about the push to impeach Brazil’s president Dilma Rousseff, with insightful Brazilian journalist, Diogo Antonio Rodriguez. We also speak with Claudia Bernardi about the Walls of Hope mural project’s “The Tree of Life/ El Árbol de la Vida,” a positive community­ based arts mural created by undocumented, immigrant Central American … Continued

Tonight’s program includes a commentary on the international response to the murder of the Honduran indigenous environmental activist, Berta Caseres; an interview about the fightback against immigration raids; the story of a Federico Correa’s journey from a California fieldworker to a Mexican artist with an exhibit at Bellas Artes in San Miquel de Allende, Mexico; … Continued

Tonight’s program begins with a sincere thanks to our listeners for their generous support during our successful fund drive and includes: an interview with Cuban diplomat, Miguel Fraga, about the upcoming Obama visit to Cuba and the normalization of relations; a focus on Chile through two artistic projects. In one, Journalist, Lezak Shallot interviews Zita … Continued