International Women's Day

IWD 3:00 AM – 4:00 AM Robert Raymond: Abortion Access and Reproductive Justice in a Post-Roe Landscape

In this episode of The Response, “Abortion Access and Reproductive Justice in a Post-Roe Landscape,” we take a deep dive into how communities are responding to the growing abortion access crisis in the United States, sharing the stories of those impacted and highlighting a number of radical grassroots, mutual aid, and solidaristic efforts aimed at … Continued

International Women's Day

IWD 2:00 AM – 3:00 AM Debra Sloss: Gender Based Violence

STATE of MIND – Gender-Based Violence Prevention for Teens and Young Adult:  Gender-based violence is an umbrella term that includes the more familiar descriptors of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence and dating violence. It’s a substantial problem across our country and around the world, impacting one in every three American girls. Teens and college students are … Continued

International Women's Day

IWD 1:00 AM – 2:00 AM Safi: Skip the Needle

Host Safi wa Nairobi talks to and shares the music of amazing Bay Area women’s band Skip the Needle Skip. The Needle is a collaboration of four bandleaders: Shelley Doty, Kofy Brown, Katie Colpitts and Vicki Randle. Our mission: to annihilate with love!  Born from group of friends all veterans of multiple bands, tours, recording, jamming together. They immediately started creating … Continued

International Women’s Day Schedule 2023

    12:00 AM  Christina Aanestad / Women Who Rock 1:00 AM  Safi wa Nairobi / Skip the Needle 2:00 AM  Debra Sloss / Gender Based Violence 3:00 AM  Robert Raymond / The Response:  Abortion Access & Reproductive Justice 4:00 AM  Thuy Nguyễn / Asian American Women Exploring Our Identity 5:00 AM  Christina Aanestad / … Continued

The recent crisis at Red Hill has brought national attention to the urgent need to protect freshwater supply in Oahu, in the highly militarized US colonial state of Hawai’i. However, what is not well-known is how common a problem this is for those “living along the fenceline” of U.S. bases. Love Letters to Water is … Continued

This vintage spoken word Full Circle archive was produced about a year after Full Circle was born.  The amazing First Voice Training Director, Amelia Gonzalez-Garcia, was pro-active and brilliant in getting apprentices an opportunity to actually be on the air, encouraging them to host and produce and bring in community talent.   And so, Daughters of Yam  was … Continued

Sikh women talk about their faith and social justice in this International Women’s Day special. Sikhism promotes social justice, gender equality and democracy as prominent pillars of the faith. This was demonstrated at the Kisaan Ekta Morcha or the Farmer’s Protest in India from November 2020 – November 2021. The farmer’s were successful in pressuring … Continued