International Women's Day

International Women’s Day 2025: Women, Storytelling and Abortion with Joyful Raven

Storytelling, says “story-midwife” Joyful Raven, helps people make sense of their lives.  In this hour, Teresa Wierzbianska talks with the  writer, performer and educator about her critically acclaimed one-woman show Breed or Bust that chronicles Raven’s desire for motherhood and eventual abortions. In a post-Dobbs world where abortion rights are under attack in many parts … Continued

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day 2025: State of Mind 73: Difficult Mothering of Adult Children through Mental Illness and Addiction

This episode shines a light on the often-overlooked experiences of mothers supporting adult children with serious mental health challenges or addiction. These mothers face the immense challenge of balancing unconditional love with the need to set boundaries, safeguard their own well-being, and navigate the weight of societal stigma.   Our guests are Judith R. Smith, … Continued

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day 2024: Guatemalan Widows Rise (after genocide)

Compilation by Frieda Werden of a production by Maria Martin and a speech by Rigoberta Menchu. Frieda Werden is an American and Canadian radio producer, co-founder and producer of the weekly radio series WINGS Massive displacement and genocide have been inflicted on indigenous communities in Guatemala for centuries. A documentary about women who experienced that … Continued

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day 2024: The Importance and Activism of Local Human Rights Commissions

An interview with Katrina Phillips, Chair of the Sanoma County Human Rights Commission. Phillips, who is bi-racial, speaks about the challenge of being bi-racial and how it motivates her work. She discusses history and importance and work of such commissions, including ceasefire in Gaza and local racism.  Elaine B. Holtz has co-produced Women’s Spaces for … Continued

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day 2024: Accented English

Miae Kim, South Korean producer formerly at KBOO community Radio in Portland OR, reporting for Women’s International News Gathering Service A discussion about the myth of Standard American English and how North Americans react to immigrants’ accents when speaking English, including alternatives that lead to respect instead of stigma. Guests include Rosina Lippi-Green PhD in … Continued

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day 2024: Issues Facing Native Women in Northern California

Four women discussing the issues and challenges Native American women face. 3 Guests would be members of the Wintu Tribe of Northern California, the Nor El Muk Tribe and Redding Rancheria. Lynn E. Fritz – Licensed Marriage Family Therapist and an enrolled descendant of the Karuk Tribe of Happy Camp, CA. She will offer comments … Continued