
Flashpoints – April 14, 2005

An in-depth interview with our special correspondent Dahr Jamail about the current deteriorating situation in Iraq, on a day where 18 Iraqis were killed and dozens wounded; plus, as the G7 World Bank and IMF Summit convenes, we talk about erasing poor nations’ massive debt; also, we speak to a ship Captain off the coast … Continued


Flashpoints – April 13, 2005

A full update on Haiti and the illegal arms transfers by the United States; plus, what’s next for the Patriot Act, and how potential changes will further affect civil liberties; a look at the unraveling political crisis in Nepal; our weekly environmental segment, Earth Matters; and the Knight Report.


Flashpoints – April 12, 2005

Palestinian former political prisoners speak out about the system of torture and oppression inside Israeli prisons; we’ll speak to a Latin American human rights activist who interrupted John Negroponte’s senate confirmation hearings today; Plus, environmental activists sue law enforcement for pepper spray torture during a nonviolent demonstration; and the Knight Report.


Flashpoints – April 11, 2005

Three Palestinian teenagers are shot and killed in Gaza while Ariel Sharon visits George Bush’s Texas ranch; plus, new revelations and investigations into torture in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo, we’ll talk about the role of top-level Bush administration officials in the ongoing torture; also, hate crimes against Muslims break out in Chicago; and the Knight … Continued


Flashpoints – April 8, 2005

New evidence on how the United States government is secretly and illegally arming the US-installed coup government of Haiti; plus, right-wing Jewish extremist groups rally to storm the al-Aqsa compound in Jerusalem this weekend; Phyllis Bennis on the nomination of John Bolton to become the new UN Ambassador; a commentary by Miguel Molina; and Flashpoints … Continued


Flashpoints – April 7, 2005

New smoking gun evidence proves that the killing of Rachel Corrie by the Israeli military was premeditated; an in-depth discussion on recent elections in Zimbabwe and the deadly impact of the Pope on Africa; an update on death squad police in Brazil; plus, Palestinian artists display the personal and the political on exhibit in San … Continued


Flashpoints – April 6, 2005

Protesters at the White House commemorate the eleventh anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda and warn that the same thing is happening in Darfur. Also, in the wake of the worst street massacre in the history of Rio de Janeiro, we’ll take an in-depth look at the police killers leading the attacks against the poor, … Continued


Flashpoints – April 5, 2005

A well known Kurdish leader is chosen to be the next president of Iraq, we’ll have a background report today’s on actions by Iraq’s puppet parliament and a report from Baghdad on the bloody violence that continues to threaten everyday life; plus, a former Salvadoran guerilla leader talks about contemporary life in El Salvador; activists … Continued


Flashpoints – April 4, 2005

Massive attacks on Abu Ghraib prison in which dozens of Iraqis and US soldiers were wounded; plus, the Israelis turn the West Bank into an official garbage dump; street kids in jail and out in Brazil face a deadly existence at the hands of Brazil’s death squad police; marches all over the country to honor … Continued


Flashpoints – April 1, 2005

We explore the United States’ contingency plan for an attack on Iran, and what an attack would mean for the region; plus, we go to the icefloes in Atlantic Canada where thousands of baby harp seals are being clubbed and skinned to death; a commentary by Miguel Molina; and Flashpoints en Español.