
Flashpoints – January 28, 2005

We go to Baghdad for a full report on the latest attacks in Iraq heading toward Sunday’s planned elections; plus, a three year old Palestinian girl is shot and killed by Israeli soldiers in Gaza as a humanitarian disaster brews; attacks on the Achenese people continue as families search for the dead; Solange Echeverria reports … Continued


Flashpoints – January 27, 2005

Pre-election violence in Iraq continues to rock the capitol and take a death toll around the country; also, Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States, reflects on war and peace and torture sixty years after the liberation of Auchwitz; Father Gerard Jean-Juste just back from South Africa from meeting with his … Continued


Flashpoints – January 26, 2005

In the bloodiest day for US forces, more than three dozen soldiers are killed in bombings and an apparent helicopter crash; the US Senate Judiciary Committee sends Bush’s pro-torture Attorney General nominee to the full Senate for confirmation; a new weekly environmental segment, Earth Matters; Solange Echeverria anticipates the opening of the World Social Forum … Continued


Flashpoints – January 25, 2005

Dahr Jamail reports on ongoing violence and focuses on the street war against Iraqi women; plus, Israel engineers a major steal of land in East Jerusalem; Bob Parry talks about three hundred million dollars missing from Iraq and how it relates to the Salvador Option; and the Knight Report.


Flashpoints – January 24, 2005

A brazen attack on the party headquarters of US-installed puppet prime minister and confirmed mass murderer Iyad Allawi; also, in Haiti, UN troops continue to collaborate with Haitian National Police and death squads to crush the pro-democracy movement; plus, an in-depth discussion on US policy towards Iran and Israel in the context of US saber-rattling; … Continued


Flashpoints – January 21, 2005

Dahr Jamail reports on the intensifying urban war on the streets of Baghdad; the lives of hundreds of thousands of Acehnese hang in the balance as the Indonesian military carries on its war against the Gam and the people; plus, Ralph Nader responds to Bush’s coronation and gives his views on war and peace, healthcare … Continued


Flashpoints – January 19, 2005

A series of explosions rock Flashpoints special correspondent Dahr Jamail out of bed, as the death toll continues to grow in the run-up to the planned elections; a report on the 7,000 Palestinians stranded at the Rafah checkpoint in Gaza; also, an update on the situation in Aceh, where the death toll has been adjusted … Continued


Flashpoints – January 18, 2005

Iran in the crosshairs: New revelations about Pentagon plans for military action against Iran; plus, our special correspondent in Baghdad reports on the killing fields in occupied Iraq; also, San Quentin death row prisoner Donald Beardsley is denied clemency by Arnold Schwartzenegger, we’ll have a full update on tonight’s state-sponsored killing; and the Knight Report.


Flashpoints – January 14, 2005

Dahr Jamail reports on his visit with Iraqis, held captive in a form of collective punishment within their own village by US occupation forces; DU expert Major Doug Rokke talks about the latest reports regarding a growing number of children being born without eyes; plus, human rights lawyers file suit against CIA asset and alleged … Continued