
Flashpoints – October 5, 2005

We’ll take an in depth look at the recent Bali Bombings and other kinds of terrorisms that have been haunting the people of Indonesia since the CIA Over throw of Sukarno’s non-aligned government in 1965 ; also an update on the situation in ache since the tsunami killed over a hundred thousand people there; Earth … Continued


Flashpoints – October 4, 2005

An eyewitness account of the US government’s racist failure to protect the people of New Orleans, parts of Mississippi, and Alabama in the wake of Katrina; also, activists in over 40 cities around the world protest the coup government in Haiti and call for the restoration of democracy and the return of President Jean Bertrand … Continued


Flashpoints – October 3, 2005

We spend the hour with acclaimed professor Norman Finkelstein on his hard-hitting new book, Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, in which he confronts the contrived controversy of anti-Semitism and the misrepresentation or falsification of facts on the ground to suit Israeli and Zionist policy; and the Knight Report.


Flashpoints – September 30, 2005

Immigrants rights activists call for a boycott against Greyhound Buses for their dangerous, extra-legal collaboration with Homeland Security; also, the Presbyterian Church USA speaks out about border violence; the fight to name the Berkeley Post Office after legendary civil rights activist Maudelle Shirek; comic-activist Randy Credico, featured in the new film 60 Spins Around the … Continued


Flashpoints – September 29, 2005

Remembering the bloody 1965 CIA coup forty years ago today in Indonesia; also, House speaker Tom Delay steps down after being indicted for interfering in Texas State elections; news headlines from occupied Palestine as Israel continues its siege against Gaza; immigrants rights activists call for a boycott of Greyhound Bus because of their alleged racism … Continued


Flashpoints – September 28, 2005

Israeli occupation forces tightened the screws on Gazan’s, opening fire on civilian neighborhoods with helicopter gun ships and deafening aerial percussion bombs, while arresting over three hundred in sweeps through the West Bank; And A tribunal on Haiti condemns the US sponsored coup there. and the Knight Report.


Flashpoints – September 27, 2005

Israeli helicopter gunships and warplanes continue to slam missiles into the occupied Gaza strip, we’ll speak with Kristen Ess about the latest from Palestine, with Uda Walker on the connections concerning the economic strangleholds and the systems of apartheid in Palestine and between the US and Mexico; plus, pro-independence activist Filiberto Ojeda Rios assassinated by … Continued


Flashpoints – September 22, 2005

Truth, Torture and the American Way by Jennifer Harbury. Source www.buzzflash.comToday on Flashpoints: Putting the Bush Adnministration on trial for torture, abuse and multiple violations of the Geneva Conventions; we’ll talk with Jennifer Harbury about her new book Truth, Torture and the American Way, and her plans this weekend in Washington, DC for holding a … Continued