
Flashpoints – June 16, 2005

We focus on a Palestinian woman and her child in an Israeli prison, featuring an interview with the husband and father, as his family fights for justice; also, an update on military recruitment on public school campuses, how you can keep them off your kids; plus, a commentary on Bolivia by Rahul Mahajan; how the … Continued


Flashpoints – June 9, 2005

The first shots have been fired in Bolivia as the Congress tries and fails to convene to choose a new president; plus, the parents of Rachel Corrie, who was killed by a US-made Caterpillar bulldozer in the Rafah refugee camp two years ago, in the Flashpoints studio, with members of the Nasrallah family, whose home … Continued


Flashpoints – June 8, 2005

3 million children under the age of five will die in sub-Saharan Africa unless the United States and other rich nations honor their promises at the G-8 summit, we’ll speak with Bill Fletcher, President of the TransAfrica Forum about Africa’s debt and Bush’s inaction; plus, military recruiters kidnap teenagers and force them to sign up … Continued


Flashpoints – June 7, 2005

Bolivian President Carlos Mesa resigns after hundreds of thousands take to the streets in the nation’s capital, we’ll get the latest from Luis Gomez in La Paz; also, eighteen Iraqis killed and seventy wounded as car bomb attacks sweep the country, we’ll get a full update from Dahr Jamail; also, Israel continues its ethnic purging … Continued