Background Briefing – August 17, 2023
Background Briefing offers an educational approach to providing information in an era of “fake news”.
Background Briefing offers an educational approach to providing information in an era of “fake news.”
Background Briefing offers an educational approach to providing information in an era of “fake news”.
Background Briefing offers an educational approach to providing information in an era of “fake news”.
Threats of Civil War From a US Congressman While Judges and Prosecutors on Trump’s Cases Get Death Threats We begin with calls for violence and civil war coming from US Congressman Gaetz who was standing next to Donald Trump at the Iowa State Fair when he said “But we know only through force do we … Continued
Background Briefing offers an educational approach to providing information in an era of “fake news”.
A Resounding Defeat of an Anti-Abortion Power Grab in Ohio We begin with the resounding 57% to 43% defeat of a Republican power grab in Ohio to block an anti-abortion referendum that is bound to win as others have recently in Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, California and Vermont. Joining us is Carol Sanger, professor of Law … Continued
The Power Grab by Ohio Republicans Behind Today’s Election We begin with the important vote today in Ohio to stop a cynical Republican power grab aimed at heading off a November referendum for abortion rights that has majority support which the gerrymandered Republican-controlled legislature is trying to do and end run around by changing the … Continued
Have Putin and Xi Handed a Strategic Opportunity to the West We begin with the possibility that Putin’s disastrous invasion and Xi’s mismanagement of the pandemic have opened a narrow window of strategic opportunity for the West. Joining us is Mathew Burrows, a distinguished fellow and program lead for Reimagining U.S. Grand Strategy and the Strategic … Continued
Ukraine Tries to Woo the BRICS Nations to Get Aboard Their Peace Plan We begin with the peace talks underway in Saudi Arabia at which 40 nations have sent senior officials to discuss Ukraine’s 10-point peace plan. With Russia not invited it is clear there is an attempt underway to appeal to the BRICS nations, … Continued
Trump’s Latest Indictment is not a First Amendment Issue About His Words. It’s About His Deeds We begin with political response to the latest four count federal indictment of Trump for the January 6 insurrection and election interference which Republicans and their Fox News echo chamber are spinning as a First Amendment issue of free … Continued
The GOP’s Long Quest For an Imperial Presidency. Now They’re About To Crown Trump King Donald the First We begin with the GOP’s long quest for an imperial presidency starting with Nixon but now accelerating with frightening plans developed by Trump’s inner circle and the Heritage Foundation that envision an even more powerful imperial presidency … Continued