Michael Nava, whose latest novel in the Henry Rios mystery series is titled “Carved in Bone,” is interviewed by host Richard Wolinsky. When Michael Nava began writing his Henry Rios mysteries in the late 1980s, the only other mystery writer with a gay male detective was Joseph Hansen. But Henry Rios is more: one of the first Latino noir detectives in American literature.

A.E. Van Vogt, born April 26th, 1912, died January 28, 2000 at the age of 87, was a science fiction writer who had his heyday from the mid 1940s through the 1960s. In this rare radio interview from the Probabilities archive, Richard A. Lupoff and Lawrence Davidson talk with Van Vogt about his career and his writing process, recorded on Feb. 23, 1980. Digitized, remastered & re-edited by Richard Wolinsky, December 2019.