Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – March 1, 2006

this episode is no longer available

Lakota Harden hosts Solis Aguilera and Katy Kinneger from Native American Health Center about the "Running is My High" event on March 11th at Lake Merritt. A reading of "Crooked Braid" from Eve Ensler’s "Vagina Monologues in honor of "V-day", and Gregg McVicar interviews Keala Kelly addressing the militarization and resistance to that in Native … Continued

Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – December 21, 2005

this episode is no longer available

Host: Janeen Antoine Rose Von Thater Braun, Director of Native Science Academy, discusses the indigenous view of science and the work of the academy to integrate this with the western view. Host Antoine talks briefly about Bolivia’s Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez’ Citgo Gas and support of low income Americans. Rodney Bordeaux and Eileen Shot … Continued