Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – July 27, 2005

this episode is no longer available

Ras K’Dee and Antoine have a conversation with Russ Redner, director of the Leonard Pelter Defense Committee, who talks about his work to free Peltier, gives a brief history of the Peltier case, and talks about Peltier’s struggle for justice for native people. The Bay Area Indian Calendar and the kpfa fund drive complete the … Continued

Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – July 20, 2005

this episode is no longer available

Ras K’Dee shares a spoken word piece on racial stereotypes and Antoine presents the Bay Area Indian Calendar. Hosts talk with Barry Bachrach, Attorney for the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, about Peltier’s case and his move to the US Penitentary at Terre Haute, Indiana. Carol Craig, Yakama tribal member, and Public Information Manager for the … Continued

Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – July 13, 2005

this episode is no longer available

BNC opens with a song from Ras K’Dee’s Street Prison CD followed by American Indian Contemporary Arts’ Bay Area Indian Calendar. Host Antoine talks with noted poet, writer, curator and policy advocate Suzan Shown Harjo about the Mascot issue and the lawsuit Harjo et. al v. Pro Football, Inc. against the Washington Redskins. The show … Continued

Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – July 6, 2005

this episode is no longer available

Host Ras K’Dee interviews Mialli Coley, 22 year old President of the Inuit Circumpolar Youth Council and member of the Inuit of Nunavut, the largest indigenous landholding in Canada and the world. She speaks on language preservation, Inuit life practices and the environmental issues facing her people. Host Antoine interviews George Galvis, board member of … Continued

Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – June 22, 2005

this episode is no longer available

Hosts K’Dee and Antoine interview Kelvin Long who discusses the water issues in the southwest, including the development of a ski resort on the SF Peaks and the effort to prevent the use of reclaimed water to develop artificial snow for a ski resort. Kelvin profiles native organizations involved in water issues such as Black … Continued

Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – June 15, 2005

this episode is no longer available

In honor of our native fathers we have interviews with Josh Perez, a Bay Area Dine father who talks about his experience as a youth and a young father, also a tribute to Dave Chief who recently crossed over, plus an interview with Floyd Redcrow Westerman about his role in the native community and beyond. … Continued

Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – May 25, 2005

this episode is no longer available

First Hour: 911 and State Terror with Ralph Schoenman, Joe Wanzala and Bonnie Faulkner. Second Hour: The Murder of Africa The actual data on the depopulation and devastation of the continent is overwhelming. with Joe Wanzala, Ralph Schoenman and Bonnie Faulkner.