Background Briefing (5am)

Background Briefing with Ian Masters – September 21, 2023

A Member of a Delegation of Australian Politicians in Washington Urging the US Not to Extradite Julian Assange We begin with a delegation of six Australian politicians from across the political spectrum delivering a message from 63 members of the Australian parliament that the vast majority of the Australian population feel strongly the Wikileaks founder … Continued

Background Briefing (5am)

Background Briefing with Ian Masters – September 19, 2023

In Spite of Damning, Salacious Testimony, Texas Republicans Acquit AG Paxton We begin with the acquittal of the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton after damning and salacious testimony before the Texas State Senate which failed to sway Republican senators under pressure of threats from Trump and MAGA world to launch primary challenges against those who … Continued