Arts-Waves, hosted by Richard Wolinsky, takes the Monday Cover to Cover slot on KPFA, which for many years was the home of Denny Smithson, KPFA’s legendary talk show host. The program focuses on Bay Area theatre, with interviews examining the area’s leading theatre companies, along with actors and directors. The show also presents archive interviews from the long history of Probabilities (1977 to 1995) and Thursday Cover to Cover (1995-2001), co-hosted by Richard A. Lupoff. Arts-Waves sometimes contains the first of two-part interviews which conclude on Thursday’s Bookwaves program.
Extended web edits of many of these interviews can be found on the Bookwaves website.
Richard Wolinsky
Richard Wolinsky has enjoyed a long career at KPFA, beginning as a volunteer in 1976 and continuing as Folio Program Guide editor from 1978 to 1992. Since then he has worked as a free-lance writer and editor, associate television producer, unpublished novelist, election specialist, graphic designer, theatre reviewer, and website consultant. He also hosts Bookwaves, which has a more extensive biography.