Against the Grain

Against the Grain – May 19, 2004

Neoliberalism has accomplished a shocking upward redistribution of wealth. Lisa Duggan contends that the right, much more than the left, has successfully connected its economic goals with cultural and identity-based politics. If progressives and radicals don’t respond in kind, she argues, a vibrant and truly expansive left will be impossible to construct.

Against the Grain

Against the Grain – May 17, 2004

Migrant nannies, housecleaners, and other domestic workers are largely invisible members of the working class worldwide, but play a key role in the global economy. Rhacel Parreñas, Arlie Hochschild, Michele Gamburd and Joy Zarembka illuminate the many reasons why migrant women workers come to the global North to look after other people’s families, while having … Continued