Highlighted segments from shows!
Guest: Andrej Grubacic, former teacher at the University of Rojava and is the founding Chair of Anthropology and Social Change at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Andrej talks with Mitch about Rojava the autonomous, mostly Kurdish region of Northeastern Syria. From Dissent magazine: “Turkey’s invasion of Rojava is not only a source of … Continued
John Nichols explains the avenues for impeachment
Cat Brooks interviews John Nichols from the Nation Magazine about the latest stirrings toward impeachment on Capitol hill.
Greta Thunberg speaks
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg’s address to the French parliament in July 2019. Thanks to Wings, The Women’s International News Gathering Service for this audio.
Living/Dying project with Dale Borglum
Kris Welch speaks with Dale Borglum of the Living/Dying project about the new documentary on Ram Dass, Becoming Nobody and about Dale’s work offering spiritual support to people who are dying and that means all of us. More info at: https://www.livingdying.org/intro/