Chivvis Moore discusses her memoir, First Tie Your Camel, Then Trust in God: An American Feminist in the Arab World. Moore spent 17 years living in Egypt, Syria and Palestine, and taught for nine years in the Institute of Women’s Studies at Bir Zeit University in Palestine.
CHIVVIS MOORE reads from First Tie Your Camel, Then Trust in God: An American Feminist in the Arab World
Tuesday, September 27, 7 pm
360 42nd Street, Oakland
Book sales benefit Middle East Children’s Alliance
And Sharon Sobotta catches up with two feminist scholars whose groundbreaking work changed our understanding of racial oppression and privilege: Shakti Butler, filmmaker and educator, whose latest film is Cracking the Code: The System of Racial Inequity, and Peggy McIntosh, author of the classic 1989 article, “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.”
Learn about how you can support the Truth & Reclamation Pilgrimage and the Women’s Boat to Gaza.