Womens Magazine

Queer Ecology in Florida in new Documentary “Can’t Stop Change”

 This Monday on KPFA Radio’s Women’s Magazine, Kim Anno and Lisa Dettmer talk to queer ecology activists who are courageously  fighting the climate crisis in Florida

These inspiring and creative Queer activists  are represented in the new film “Cant Stop Change: Queer Climate Stories from the Florida Frontlines”, that is now available to see online at Kinema at  the URL  kinema.com/films/cant-stop-change-queer-climate-stories-from-the-florida-frontlines-rclks for the month of July. 

 “Can’t Stop Change” weaves together interviews with fourteen trans, queer, and Two-Spirit collaborators across Florida, bravely fighting for change in one of the most anti Queer states and a state  that has been battered by natural and political storms: climate gentrification and displacement. These activists target the  disproportionate affect natural disasters have  oppressed communities based on race, class, and gender and link the environmental disasters with the  political disasters of  anti-abortion and ani-trans bills,  permitless concealed carry laws; and white patriarchal corporate power that militarizes the police.  Unlike many mainstream environmental groups these Queer ecology activists recognizes that we need deep structural change that challenges Cis Heterosexual white Capitalist patriarchy and doesn’t just treat symptoms. 

In the face of all of this devastation, these queer and trans ecology activists in Florida are courageously imagining a better future and tackling the issues head-on through mutual aid, building queer communities, and standing up to corporations and bad politics. In this stirring  documentary they  follow  these inspirational activists as they tour the state, meet with mutual aid providers to uncover the challenges of each area, and learn about the passionate work being done to combat them. 

We talk to Vanessa Raditz, the Co-Director of Can’t Stop Change who is also a queer climate justice/queer ecology  activist in the Southeast and Bay Area

 And we talk to Florida Native, Barbara Perez , who is PhD student at Florida Atlantic University where she  is doing her dissertation on climate gentrification

   And lastly we talk to Rebecca Wood who is an  Environmental Educator and Miami resident who is currently involved in local climate activism/community disaster preparedness