
The Occupation of the American Mind Plus: Capitalism

Today’s show begins with selections from the documentary Capitalism. A collection of six parts, the film investigates economic history and the logics of capitalism, both as the dominant economic system and as an ideologically propulsive structure.  Today’s segments deal with Adam Smith’s ideas.

Narrated by Roger Waters, The Occupation of the American Mind  unpacks the politics of Israeli-American relations, and interrogates the role that the U.S. has played in the occupation of Palestine. The film looks closely at how American tax dollars are used, ongoing media coverage, and pro-Israel lobbying.

This episode is part of KPFA’s fund drive! KPFA is community supported public radio, which means listener support is crucial to remaining independent, critical, and honest as a station. Call in (1800) 439-5732 during our broadcast of UpFront or click here to pledge your support during Fund Drive!

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