On this morning’s show, UpFront airs clips taken from Constructing the Terrorist Threat, a documentary film in which Deepa Kumar, one of the nation’s foremost scholars on Islamophobia, investigates how the Muslim community in the U.S. has been scapegoated post 9/11, despite the reality that the majority of terror attacks are carried out by non-Muslim white Americans.
During the second half of the show, listen to audio from The Occupation of the American Mind narrated by Roger Waters. The documentary film engages with the question of pro-Israeli politicking and its influence on how the U.S. has responded in the midst of the Palestine-Israel conflict. The film looks closely at taxes, media coverage, and pro-Israel lobbying.
This episode is part of KPFA’s fund drive! KPFA is community supported public radio, which means listener support is crucial to remaining independent, critical, and honest as a station. Call in (1800) 439-5732 during our broadcast of UpFront or click here to pledge your support during Fund Drive!