
Oil impacted communities in CA have had enough; Plus: Voices from the Recovery, One Year since Hurricane Harvey

0:08 – Tipping Point: There are 54 days til the 2018 midterms, and in our new election series where we sort out the facts from the fireworks, try to ask big questions, and profile key players – all in 3 minutes of election news.

0:11 – New York Primary update is today, September 13th. We’re joined by Bob Hennelly (@stucknation), reporter with the Chief-Leader, which covers New York’s public unions and civil service, also the national affairs reporter for WBGO, with the scoop. 

0:34 – Live report from Direct Action @ Global Climate Action Summit Antonia Juhasz, co-host of this show!

0:37 – CA communities most impacted by oil and gas extraction: Los Angeles and Kern County. We’re joined by Rachel Muraida, (@SCOPE_LA) Research and and Communications Director with SCOPE (Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education) dedicated to building  grassroots power to create social and economic justice for low-income, female, immigrant, black, and brown communities in Los Angeles. Juan Flores (@JuanFloresEJ), a Community Organizer with the Center for Race, Poverty and the Environment, joins to discuss the toxic hazards in Kern County and health impacts suffered by the community. Both are calling for stricter environmental regulations and a just transition to clean renewable energy.

1:08 – Voices from areas impacted by Hurricane Harvey, one-year later

On the August 25th one-year anniversary of the Hurricane, our host Antonia Juhasz attended a Peoples’ Tribunal on Hurricane Harvey Recovery in Houston. There participants discussed not only ongoing impacts, but also on the process of a what it means to have “a just recovery” particularly for those living in the hardest hit communities–many of whom are far from recovered today.

The Tribunal looked specifically at environmental justice, workers, immigrants, housing and the environment, with first hand reports from impacted community members, service providers, and experts. It also focused on what it means to have a just recovery which takes into account not only the recovery of these communities, but their betterment moving forward.

This is the first of a two-part series taking a deep dive into Hurricane Harvey.


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