
As COVID surges around the US, presidential candidates promise pandemic end, but what can they actually do? Plus: Gov Newsom’s unprecedented challenge to the death penalty; and a Richmond elections roundup

(Source: Democracy Now/Johns Hopkins University)

0:08 – What can Trump, Biden, anyone do about the COVID surge?

Gregg Gonsalves (@gregggonsalves) is the co-director of the Global Health Justice Partnership and an assistant professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health.

0:34 – Author interview: David Dayen (@ddayen) is executive editor of the American Prospect, an independent progressive magazine, and author of Monopolized: Life in the Age of Corporate Power.

1:08 – Governor Newsom challenges CA death penalty as racist

Elizabeth Semel is a clinical professor of law at UC Berkeley (@BerkeleyLaw), where she directs the Death Penalty Clinic. 

1:20 – The American crackdown on protesters

Sam Levin (@SamTLevin) is a correspondent with the Guardian, based in Los Angeles. His latest piece is “ America’s protest crackdown: five months after George Floyd, hundreds face trials and prison”

1:34 – The California NAACP’s strange endorsements

Laurel Rosenhall (@LaurelRosenhall) covers politics and power for CalMatters, focused on the State Capitol. 

1:45 – Richmond elections roundup

John Geluardi is a writer and journalist based in Richmond, CA.