0:08 – Impeachment Watch: 4th associate of Rudy Giuliani arrested in alleged campaign finance conspiracy
Josh Kovensky (@JoshKovensky) is an investigative reporter with Talking Points Memo, formerly with the Kyiv Post in Ukraine, covering politics, business, and corruption there.
0:20 – Did the recent earthquakes trigger the fuel tank explosion in Crockett? Maybe. But residents are concerned there is no emergency plan.
Greg Karras is senior scientist with Communities for a Better Environment (@CBECal)
Nancy Reeser is with Crockett-Rodeo United to Defend the Environment (CRUDE), dedicated to watchdog monitoring of the oil refineries and protecting the health safety of the community and the environment.
0:35 – Fund Drive Special Feature: ‘I’ll Die if I let go’
When the Cypress Freeway collapsed during the Loma Preita earthquake, many Oakland residents risked their lives to rescue victims trapped in the ruins. To honor the 30th anniversary of the Loma Preita earthquake, we air an excerpt of the East Bay Yesterday podcast episode “‘I’ll die if I let go’: After the earthquake, West Oakland came to the rescue.” In this episode, in collaboration with Snap Judgment, Raven Roberts shares his memories of what it was like to live through that disaster – and the traumatizing aftermath.
1:08 – Fund Drive Special: The science of earthquake risk & how to prepare for the next Big One
Peggy Hellweg, PhD is Operations Manager for the Berkeley Seismology Lab’s network of high quality seismometer/accelerometer stations. She is Project Manager for the Earthquake Early Warning activities at the BSL and contributes to familiarizing Northern California users and recipients of alerts with how the EEW system, CISN ShakeAlert, works. This interview was on Tuesday Oct 15, after the 4.5 earthquake centered in Pleasant Hill on Monday Oct 14.
Jennifer Strauss is the External Relations Officer at UC Berkeley Seismology Lab and Regional Coordinator for ShakeAlert Northern California. She is a co-author of the HayWired Earthquake Scenario.
Donate today for the KPFA Emergency Kit:
- $120 – Emergency Water filter
- $150 – Emergency Radio
- $300 – Emergency Kit
- $500 – Backpack Kit, includes all of the above