
Afghan economy collapsing; Workers at John Deere, film set workers on strike; Corruption at the EPA Chemicals division; Plus black immigrants detail abuses in complaint against their captors

Set design for the documentary “Scream: The Inside Story,” 2010. | Image by Bob Bekian is licensed under CC 2.0

On today’s show:

0:08 – Phyllis Bennis (@PhyllisBennis), Middle East analyst and Director of the New Internationalism Project at the Institute for Policy Studies joins us to discuss the collapsing Afghan economy.

0:33 – Over 10,000 John Deere workers are on strike. Jonah Furman (@JonahFurman), staff writer and union organizer for Labor Notes joins us to explain.

0:43 – Sharon Lerner (@fastlerner), investigative reporter at The Intercept covering health, science, and the environment joins us to discuss her reporting corruption in the EPA Chemicals division.


1:08 – Taisha Saintil, legislative and communications director for the Haitian Bridge Alliance (@HaitianBridge) joins us to discuss the plight of black immigrants detained at the Krome North Service Processing Center in Miami Florida and the abuses detailed in their civil rights complaint with the DHS.

1:34 – 60,000 IATSE-International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees are set to strike on Monday. Filmmaker, photographer, and IATSE Local 728 member, Malakhi Simmons (@malakinetics) and Jazz Tangcay (@jazzt), Senior Artisans Editor at Variety join us to discuss the conditions that led film set workers to strike.