
From the UpFront Archives: Confronting white culture, history and racism with Tim Wise; Plus: Life after violent right wing hate groups with Tony McAleer

Alt-right protesters at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA in 2017 which turned violent and one counter-protester, Heather Heyer was killed (Photo: Wikimedia)

0:08 – Confronting American history, racism and political identities

Tim Wise (@timjacobwise) is an anti-racist educator and author of the book and documentary, The Great White Hoax. We speak about the history of white identity, racism and the longstanding historical pattern of how racism and racial scapegoating have shaped American politics for centuries.

0:34 – On exiting violent right-wing hate groups for connection, community and compassion

Tony McAleer (@mcaleer) is a former skinhead and White Aryan Resistance member, turned public educator about his journey to the group “Life After Hatea nonprofit dedicated to helping individuals exit hate groups (@lifeafterhate).