
Over 7 million tenants in jeopardy as judge strikes down national eviction moratorium, what’s next?; Plus: Oakland in limbo as Mayor delays budget release; Kaiser layoffs, amid mental healthcare system crisis; and the Black Mama’s Bailout campaign

Protest of eviction of the Lee family in San Francisco (Photo: Steve Rhodes/FLICKR)

0:08 – Trump Judge strikes down national eviction moratorium

Haley Adams (@haleyradams) is a legal fellow with the Fair Housing and Community Development project at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

0:18 – What’s next for tenants

Dianne Enriquez (@Dianne283) is co-Director of Community Dignity Campaigns at the Center for Popular Democracy, a network of grassroots community organizations that helped develop the People’s Housing Platform.

0:34 – Oakland Mayor delays the release of the budget, how this is impacting the process

Nikki Fortunato Bas (@nikki4oakland) is Oakland City Council President and councilmember District 2, and co-chairs the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force. 

0:53 – Tracey Corder (@traceyecorderis Deputy Campaign Director for Policing with ACRE, Action Center on Race and the Economy.

1:08 – Kaiser lays off hundreds of workers

Joann Corgile is a Patient Care Technician with Kaiser in Oakland, and a member of SEIU-United Healthcare Workers (SEIU-UHW).

1:20 – Inside Kaiser’s broken mental health services

Kristy Hutchings (@krhutchings) is an investigative reporter in Los Angeles. Her latest piece for Capital & Main is “Inside Kaiser’s broken mental healthcare system”

1:34 – National Black Mama’s bailout campaign

Titilayo Rasaki (@t_i_t_i_l_a_y_o) is a policy associate at Essie Justice Group working on the bailout campaign.

You can find more information and donate here. 

1:45 – Community responds to a black child profiled at a Safeway in San Francisco

Ira Armstrong (@fraggle94) is the cofounder and Minister of Vision at PEACE Out Loud, a Black, Indigenous, and mixed Freedom Fighter, and a parent to twins who are middle schoolers in Oakland and Berkeley. 

Cara Kelsey is the parent of a third grader at Harvey Milk Academy in the Castro District in San Francisco. They are of mixed Mexican and European heritage, and are the Minister of Consent and Alchemist of Agreements at PEACE Out Loud. 

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