
Immigration: Criminalization of Immigrants From Clinton to Trump

With recent attention on Alameda County Sheriff’s collaboration with ICE, host Mitch Jeserich interviews Aviva Chomsky, professor of History at Salem State University and author of “Undocumented: How Immigration Became Illegal” to examine national immigration policy from the Clinton presidency to the present.

The second segment focuses on criminalization of immigrants at the local level with Isaac Ontiveros, member of Oakland Sin Fronteras and Stop Urban Shield Coalition, co-director of the Center for Political Education, and facilitator in May Day mobilizations, and Sandy Valenciano, Statewide Coordinator California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance and part of ACUDIR coalition.


Chomsky’s article “The Criminalization of Immigrants from Clinton to Trump” can be found here: http://www.tomdispatch.com/blog/176271/tomgram%3A_aviva_chomsky%2C_the_criminalization_of_immigrants_from_clinton_to_trump/




One response to “Immigration: Criminalization of Immigrants From Clinton to Trump

  1. Start using correct legal terms and stop pandering with politically correct but deceptive labels. “Illegal” aliens are NO MORE immigrants than squatters of vacant apartment buildings are “unleased/undocumented” tenants or shoplifters just “unreceipted” customers.

    The term “undocumented immigrant” or “undocumented migrant” do not appear anywhere in The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 or President Trump’s Executive Order 13768. To be accurate “illegal” aliens ARE NOT immigrants, they are foreign nationals who intentionally broke US immigration laws and are secretly hiding in a country have no legal right to be in.

    The immigration laws ONLY define two types of people in the United States: citizens of the United States and aliens. Aliens may be lawful permanent residents (immigrants) or nonimmigrant aliens admitted to the United States for a temporary visit. Aliens who are not residents or nonimmigrant visitors are in the United States illegally.

    Truth matters.

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