0:08 – Why were 2 big Bay Area transportation funding measures defeated?
Hayley Currier is Policy Advocacy Manager with Transform (@TransForm_Alert), a green transportation and climate nonprofit, and joins us to discuss why voters turned down:
- Contra Costa County Measure J, a sales tax to raise $103 million for road and transportation projects
- Sonoma and Marin County Measure I, a sales tax to generate $40 million a year for 30 years to extend and maintain the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail District (SMART) train
0:15 – People incarcerated in US jails and prisons are at high risk for coronavirus due to poor conditions.
Keri Blakinger (@keribla) is a reporter with the Marshall Project, where her work ranges from exposing prison abuses to reflecting on her time behind bars.
0:34 – What you need to know about coronavirus
John Swartzberg, MD, is Clinical Professor, Emeritus of Infectious Diseases & Vaccinology Division at UC Berkeley School of Public Health, and joins us to answer listener calls.
1:08 – The Supreme Court has begun hearing an abortion case (June Medical Services vs Russo), but why? The exact same case was decided before.
Jessica Mason Pieklo (@Hegemommy) is vice president of law and the courts for Rewire.News (Rewire DOT news) where she oversees legal reporting and analysis, and she’s the co-host of Rewire.News’ podcast Boom! Lawyered.
1:34 – Author interview: Steven Levy (@StevenLevy) is Wired‘s editor at large. His previous positions include founder of Backchannel and chief technology writer and senior editor for Newsweek. In his over 30 years of writing about technology, he’s written seven books and numerous articles for major publications such as Rolling Stone, Harper’s Magazine, Macworld, The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, and The New Yorker. His latest book is Facebook: The Inside Story.
KPFA Event: STEVEN LEVY on FACEBOOK: The Inside Story
When: Friday March 6, 2020 at 7:30pm
Where: First Presbyterian Church, 2407 Dana Street, Berkeley, CA
Tickets and Info here: https://kpfa.org/event/steven-levy/