
UpFront with Guest Host Salima Hamirani – March 31, 2016

On rebecca traisterMonday, California Governor Jerry Brown announced a deal to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2023, which would make California’s  the highest in the nation. We talk to Ken Jacobs from the UC Berkeley labor center about who the minimum wage would benefit and how it might impact our economy. Plus: Jessica Bartholow on the April 1st cuts to the Food Stamps program across the nation, which will affect millions of Americans. In the second half, Linda Khoury speaks to Rebecca Traister about her new book, All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation.


  • Ken Jacobs, Chair of the UC Berkeley Labor Center
  • Jessica Bartholow, Lobbyist, Western Center on Law and Poverty
  • Rebecca Traister, writer for New York magazine and author of All the Single Ladies: Unmarried women and the rise of an independent nation

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