
Election Day Updates: Congressional, CA State Races and Measures with Reporters and KPFA News Stories, Plus: We take listener calls on the elections

7am – News headlines and Analysis with Brian and Mitch

7:34 – State Races Roundup

Ben Christopher (@FromBenC) is a reporter for CALmatters covering 2018 State Elections 

8:08 –  Money in the Assembly District 15 Race

Harriet Steele, is president of the Berkeley Progressive Student Association, wrote a detailed breakdown of the surprisingly large amounts of money in the open Assembly District 15 primary for 48hills.org – “The big right-wing money in a key East Bay Assembly race”.

8:20 KPFA News: Democrats Hope to Turn Two Red Valley Congressional Districts Blue

California Democratic Party activists are targeting two San Joaquin Valley congressional districts hoping to unseat long-term Republican incumbents whose districts are in reach of our signal. Republicans Devin Nunes in California’s 22nd district and Jeff Denham in the 10th district are both facing stiff challenges–and their challengers are drawing donations and volunteers from here in the Bay Area.  Vic Bedoian (@VicBedoian) reports from Fresno.

8:26 KPFA News: How the new CA Voter’s Choice Act is changing the election process in the Bay Area

Big changes today in how voters are casting their ballots. For one thing, this is the first election that will allow same-day voter registration. For another, some counties — including San Mateo, Napa, Madera and Sacramento — sent mail-in ballots to every single registered voter. It’s a part of a new law passed two years ago-called The California Voter’s Choice Act KPFA’S Karin Argoud (@KarinArgoudreports from Napa. 

8:34 Listener Calls!

Any races you’re watching, that you’re curious about, that you want to draw our attention to? Give us a call at 510.848.4425

8:45 KPFA News Napa Divided Over Measure C

In Napa County, one of the most controversial measures on the June Ballot is Measure C-the Watershed and Oak Woodland Protection Initiative. KPFA’s Karin Argoud (@KarinArgoudreports.


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