
The Mexico Elections are the biggest, and deadliest on record; Plus: Anti-choice centers use federal funds to buy programs crafted to ‘share Christ’

7am – Sunday July 1 will be Mexico’s biggest election in history – and its also been the deadliest on record. We’re joined by Laura Carlsen, Director of the Center for International Policy and Shannon Young, an investigative journalist and reporter with KPFA News to talk about the candidates and who is assassinating local and state candidates and what this all means for the future of the country

7:34 – This week the US Supreme Court ruled to protect the free speech rights of fake abortion centers. These are fake abortion clinics which often position themselves near real abortion clinics, and often mirror the practices and literature of real medical clinics, to entice women in and convince them not to get an abortion. In North Carolina, one such program called “Earn While You Learn” has been exposed was revealed to be using federal funds for expressly religious purposes, a violation of federal law. Amy Littlefield is an investigative reporter with Rewire.News, and has been covering the anti-choice movement closely, and its impact on women’s health and reproductive rights. She joins us to discuss her report “Anti-Choice Centers in North Carolina Use Federal Funds to Buy Programs Crafted to ‘Share Christ.‘”

Hosted by Salima Hamirani. We wish Salima well as she moves on to her new role as Producer at Making Contact! You can follow her work at the National Radio Project / Making Contact.

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