
US Supreme Court upholds the Muslim travel ban; Plus: Glide Memorial Church faces an uncertain future

7:08am – Immigration Detention in Contra Costa County.

KPFA’s Carla West  reports live from the ICE Protest at West County Detention Facility in Richmond 7am – 7pm. Then, Mark DeSaulnier, Democrat representing California’s 11th Congressional District–which includes both the West County Detention Facility, and the Concord Naval Weapons Base – about the Trump Administration’s proposal to detain thousands of immigrants there. 

7:33 – Is another Enron on the horizon for California’s electricity market?

Jaime Court (@RaisingHellNowis with Consumer Watchdog (@ConsumerWD), which released a scathing report warning against lawmakers deregulating the electricity market and calling the proposed Western regional power plan puts CA at risk for Enron-style market manipulation. Carl Zichella (@CarlZichella), Director of Western Transmission for the Natural Resources Defense Council disagrees. He joins us to discuss why the NRDC and other environmental groups believe its a move forward for California’s renewable energy future. 

8:08 – US Supreme Court rules to uphold the Muslim travel ban, Trump v Hawaii. Lara Kiswani, Executive Director of AROC, the Arab Resource Organizing Center (@AROCBayArea), then we hear from Elica Vafae, an attorney with the Asian Law Caucus (@aaaj_alc) with reactions and analysis. 

8:34 – Crisis at Glide Memorial Church

Karen Hanrahan is the President and CEO of Glide Memorial (@GLIDEsf), which operates the church and its programs. She was also a former deputy assistant Secretary of State in the Obama administration. She discusses the now uncertain fate of Glide since the United Methodist Church’s announcement to remove the ministry leadership with no replacement, and takes listener calls.





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