
What happened to the push to pass net neutrality in California? Plus, the US Supreme Court rules on privacy of cell phone records

7am – Breaking: US Supreme Court rules on the privacy of cell phone records in Carpenter vs. United States. Joining us to discuss is Alan Butler (@AlanInDC )senior counsel with the Electronic Privacy Frontier Center (EPIC), a public interest research center based in Washington DC. Cyrus Farivar (@cfarivar )is Senior Tech Policy Reporter at Ars Technica and author and radio producer. His new book is Habeas Data: Privacy Vs. the Rise of Surveillance Tech

7:34am – Net neutrality legislation was significantly weakened in the CA legislature this week, in an move that has caused harsh criticism of Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (@SantiagoAD53). Brian asks him if his campaign contributions from telecom companies influenced his decision. Plus, Democratic Senator Scott Weiner (@Scott_Wiener) who sponsored the legislation, weighs in. Then, Craig Aaron (@notaaroncraigis the President and CEO of Free Press and the Free Press Action Fund, dedicated to safeguarding net neutrality, opposing unchecked surveillance, and protecting public media. He discusses the impacts of the repeal of net neutrality nation wide.

8:08 – Zahra Billoo (@ZahraBilloois an attorney and the Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter (CAIR-SFBA). She discusses the Muslim travel ban ahead of the SCOTUS decision. She also explains how she sees the recent controversy around PACT rescinding her award. 

8:34am – James Conaway (@conawayjim1is a former Washington Post reporter and author of several books. His latest is Napa At Last Light: America’s Eden in the Age of Calamity

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